30-December... Establishment of Diplomatic relations between Israel and Holy See...


The Diplomatic relations between Israel and the Holy See were established on this day (30-dec) in 1993... 

The Diplomatic relationship signifies a bridge between the Jewish state and the spiritual center of the Catholic Church...  This engagement revolves around dialogue, addressing common concerns, and fostering understanding on global issues...

While rooted in religious history, the diplomatic ties extend beyond theological matters, encompassing shared interests and regional stability...  The relationship reflects a commitment to peaceful coexistence in an ever-changing geopolitical landscape...

The Israel and Vatican Postal Administration commemorated the 25 years of Bilateral Diplomatic relations between the State of Israel and the Holy See with the release of a Joint postage stamp in 2019...  The stamp features St.Peter's Church, and Synagogue at Capernaum, Israel...  It symbolizes the unique relations and interactions between Judaism and Christianity...

This stamp can be collected under the following themes: 

(a) Religion...
(b) Christianity / Judaism...
(c) Ancient buildings / monuments / architecture...
(d) Joint Stamp Issues...
(e) Round shaped stamps / Circular stamps...
(f) Flags...
(g) Anniversaries / Jubilees...

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