15-January... Opening of The British Museum...

Royal Mail in the year 2003 released a set of 6 postage stamps to commemorate the 250 years of The British Museum...

The British Museum was established in the year 1753 following the Royal Assent of King George II...  On this day (15-Jan) in the year 1759, the first exhibition galleries and reading room for scholars were opened...  

The set of 6 postage stamps features, (1) painted wooden coffin of Denytenamun (2nd class stamp) ; (2) Alexander the Great (1st class stamp) ; (3) the Sutton Hoo helmet, excavated from the ship burial in Suffolk ; (4) Indian bronze sculpture of Goddess Parvati, consort of the God Shiva (42p) ; (5) the mask of the Central Mexican Fire God Xiuhtecuhtli (47p) ; (6) the Easter Island (Rupa Nui) statue Hoa Hakananai'a (68p)...

These stamps can be collected under the themes:

(a) Museums...
(b) Art...
(c) Famous People...
(d) Sculptures / Carving...
(e) Headgear...
(f) God / Religion...
(g) Masks...
(h) Anniversaries...

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