18-January... Inauguration of Indian Parliament House...

As a part of Inauguration of New Delhi as the Indian Capital, 1-anna postage stamp was released to commemorate the Council House (presently known as Indian Parliament house) in the year 1931...

In order to establish wider administration of India, British India began construction of Parliament house in the year 1921...  The construction was completed in five years time...  On this day (18-Jan) in the year 1927, Sir Bhupendra Nath Mitra, Member of Governor-General's Executive Council invited Lord Irwin, the Viceroy of India to open the building...  

The stamp features, Council house building and the image of King George V...

This stamp can be collected under the themes:

(a) Parliament house / Government buildings...
(b) Crowns and Coronets...
(c) Heads of State...
(d) Kings...

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