4-January... Luna-1, the First Spacecraft to leave Earth's Gravity and approach Moon...

Luna-1 also known as Mechta, was the first spacecraft to leave Earth's Gravity...  On this day (4-Jan) in the year 1959, the spacecraft launched as a part of Soviet Union's Lunar Program, approached the Moon...

The approach of Luna-1 to Moon was commemorated by Hungary Postal Administration with the release of a postage stamp in the year 1959...  The stamp features, the Spacecraft Luna-1, Moon and celestial bodies in the outer space...

The wordings, "GEOFIZIKAI EV" refers "Geophysical EV" and "SZOVJET űRRAKéTA" refers "Soviet Spacecraft"...

This stamp can be collected under the themes:

(a) Celestial bodies...
(b) Moon...
(c) Planets...
(d) Spacecrafts...
(e) Space travelling...

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