5-February... Screening of the animated film "Peter Pan"...

Disney's version of the story of Peter Pan and his adventures in Neverland in the form of an animated film titled "Peter Pan" was screened on this day (5-Feb) in the year 1953...

Peter Pan was a fictional character created by the Scottish novelist James Mathew Barrie in the year 1902 in his novel titled "The Little White Bird"...  This mischievous boy, Peter Pan was adopted in numerous films including Walt Disney's movies...

US Postal Administration in the year 2007 commemorated Peter Pan and Walt Disney's animated film with the release of a 41-cent postage stamp...

The stamp features animated characters "Peter Pan" and "Tinker Bell" from the Walt Disney's film...

This stamp can be collected under the themes:

(a) Cartoon characters...
(b) Comics / Fairy tales...
(c) Walt Disney...

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