13-Oct... Establishment of Greenwich Observatory as Prime Meridian...


Greenwich Observatory was established as the Prime Meridian on this day in the year 1884 during the International Meridian Conference held in Washington D.C., United States...  

The Prime Meridian, is the imaginary line that represents 0 (Zero) degrees Longitude, dividing the Eastern and Western Hemispheres on Earth...  The World recognized Prime Meridian is located at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, London... 

It serves as the reference point for measuring Longitude and plays a crucial role in Navigation and Timekeeping...

In 1984, the Royal Mail Service of Great Britain marked the Centenary of the Greenwich Observatory's establishment as the Prime Meridian by issuing a set of 4 (four) commemorative postage stamps... 

These stamps can be collected under the themes:

(a) Cartography...
(b) Globes...
(c) Maps...
(d) Astronomy...
(e) Landscapes...
(f) Observatories...
(g) Optical Instruments...
(h) Telescopes...
(i) UNESCO World Heritage Sites...

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