19-October... The Battle and Siege of Yorktown...

The Battle of Yorktown in 1781 was a turning point in the American Revolutionary War.  The American and French forces, under General George Washington and General Rochambeau, besieged the British army led by General Cornwallis...

The strategic brilliance of the allied forces, combined with a crucial French naval victory, trapped British General on the Yorktown Peninsula...

The siege culminated in a joint assault, forcing British General to surrender on this day in the year 1781, effectively ending major hostilities in the War...  The victory of Yorktown significantly contributed to the eventual Independence of the United States from British rule...

In 1931, US Postal Administration marked the 150th Anniversary of the Battle and Siege of Yorktown by issuing a 2-cent postage stamp... The stamp features the likenesses of Rochambeau, the French nobleman and General, George Washington, the esteemed military Officer and Founding Father, and Joseph Paul de Grasse, the distinguished French Officer...

This stamp can be collected under the themes: 

(a) Battle / War...
(b) Famous People / Leaders...
(c) Heads of State...
(d) Politicians...
(e) Statesmen...

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