18-November... National Day of Sultanate of Oman...

This day (18-nov) marks Oman's National Day commemorating the Sultanate's profound history and applauds the visionary leadership that has guided its journey... 

The Oman National Day marks the anniversary of the ascension of Sultan Qaboos bin Said Al Said to the throne in 1970, a pivotal moment in Oman's modern history...  The day serves as a reminder of the nation's achievements, resilience, and its commitment to progress under the wise leadership of its rulers...

Omani Postal Administration commemorated the 15th Oman National Day with the release a 100-Omani baisa postage stamp in 1985...

The text in Arabic (more or less) on the stamp translates to... 

              (سلطنة عمان) - Sultanate of Oman
              (اليوم الوطني الخامس عشر) - The Fifteenth National Day
               (بيسة) - Baisa

This stamp can be collected under the themes: 

(a) Navigation...
(b) Ships...
(c) Ports...
(d) Energy...
(e) Industry...
(f) National Day... 

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