26-November... Final Flight of Concorde...

Concorde, a supersonic ballet in the clouds, made its final flight on this day (26-nov) in 2003, marking the end of an extraordinary era in aviation...

Concorde, the marvel of aeronautical engineering, wa a supersonic passenger jet that transcended boundaries of speed and luxury...  With its sleek delta wings and a distinctive needle-like nose, the Concorde could reach twice the speed of sound, reducing transatlantic flights to a mere fraction of conventional time...

The symbol of prestige and technological prowess, Concorde was commemorated by French Postal Administration with the release of a 4.20 Euro postage stamp in 2019 to mark it's 50th anniversary of Concorde's first flight...  

The text in French on the stamp translates to... 

              50 Anniversaire du Premier vol du concorde - 50th Anniversary of First Flight of                                                                                                                     Concorde
              Poste aerienne - Airmail

This stamp can be collected under the themes: 

(a) Aviation...
(b) Aircraft...
(c) Anniversaries / Jubilees... 

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