8-November... International Day of Radiology (IDoR)...

International Day of Radiology (IDoR) was celebrated annually on this day (8-nov) to raise awareness of the crucial role radiologists play in healthcare and to promote the importance of medical imaging in diagnosis and patient care...

Radiology plays a pivotal role in modern medicine, aiding in early detection and precise diagnosis...  

November 8th was chosen as the International Day of Radiology (IDoR) to coincide with the anniversary of the discovery of X-rays by the German Physicist Wilhelm Rontgen in 1895...  Roentgen's groundbreaking discovery revolutionized medical imaging and paved the way for the field of Radiology...  

The date commemorates this significant milestone in the history of Science and Medicine...

Egyptian Postal Administration marked the centenary of the X-ray discovery with the issuance of a 15 Egyptian piastre postage stamp in 1995, honoring 100 years since Wilhelm Rontgen's groundbreaking revelation...

The text in Arabic on the stamp translates to... 

             (بريد) - Mail
            (مصر) - Egypt
             (الذكرى المئوية لاكتشاف أشعة رونتجن) - Centenary of the discovery of Rontgen rays

This stamp can be collected under the themes: 

(a) Science and Technology...
(b) Medicine / Medical Science...
(c) Discovery / Invention...
(d) Nobel Prize Winners...
(e) Rays...
(f) Anniversaries / Jubilees...
(g) Scientists... 

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