1-December... Death anniversary of David Ben-Gurion...

David Ben-Gurion, the visionary leader instrumental in laying the early foundations of the modern state of Israel was remembered on this day (1-dec)...

David Ben-Gurion, as a key figure in the Zionist movement, he tirelessly advocated for a Jewish homeland...  Twice served as the Prime Minister of Israel, Ben-Gurion was known for his pragmatic and determined leadership, who led the country through challenging times, including the War of Independence...

A driving force in building Israel's defense capabilities, David Ben-Gurion was honored by Israeli Postal Administration with the release of a 0.25 Israeli lira postage stamp in 1974... 

The text in Hebrew on the stamp translates to... 

              (דוד בן גוריון) - David Ben-Gurion

              (ישראל) - Israel

This stamp can be collected under the following themes: 

(a) Head of State / Prime Minister...
(b) Politicians...
(c) Anniversaries / Jubilees...
(d) Multi-lingual stamps...

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