13-December... Birth Anniversary of Albert I, Prince of Monaco...

Birth anniversary of Albert I, Prince of Monaco was celebrated on this day (13-dec)...  

Albert I, Prince of Monaco, dedicated his life to scientific exploration, founding the Oceanographic Institute in Paris in 1906...  

Monaco Postal Administration in 1966 honored Albert I on a postage stamp released to commemorate the 1st International Congress on the History of Oceanography showcasing his significant contributions to marine research and his enduring impact on Monaco's cultural heritage...  

The stamp features HMSH (His/Her Majesty's Ship) Hirondelle I and Princesse (termed Princess in English) Alice, the research yachts owned by Albert I, Prince of Monaco...  

The text in French on the stamp translates to... 

              Histoire de L'Oceanographie - History of Oceanography

              1ER Congres International - 1st International Congress

This stamp can be collected under the themes: 

(a) Ships / Sailing Ships / Steamers...
(b) Oceanography...
(c) Heads of State...
(d) Prince...
(e) Congress / Conferences... 

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