15-December... Birth Anniversary of Henri Becquerel...

Birth anniversary of the pioneer of radioactivity, Henri Becquerel is celebrated on this day (15-dec)... 

Henri Becquerel, a French physicist renowned for his groundbreaking work in radioactivity...  In 1896, he discovered radioactivity while investigating phosphorescent materials... This discovery earned him the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1903 which he shared with Pierre and Marie Curie...

Becquerel's research laid the foundation for further developments in Nuclear Physics and paved the way for understanding the fundamental principles of Atomic structure...

Henri Becquerel's discovery of radioactivity reached its zenith during its 50th anniversary, marked by a noteworthy celebration...  The French Postal Administration, in 1946, commemorated this milestone by issuing a charity stamp valued at 2 plus 3 French francs, symbolizing the enduring significance of Becquerel's contribution to Nuclear Science...

The text in French on the stamp translates to... 

             Lutte Contre Le Cancer - Fight against Cancer

              Radioactivité  - Radioactivity

              R.F. stands for Republique Francaise (French Republic)

This stamp can be collected under the themes: 

(a) Science and Technology...
(b) Nuclear Science...
(c) Nobel Laureates...
(d) Scientists...
(e) Anniversaries / Jubilees... 

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