18-December... World Arabic Language Day...

Arabic Language Day, is celebrated on this day (18-dec) to promote its rich history and its contribution to human civilization...

This day underscores the role of language in promoting dialogue, understanding, and cooperation among different cultures... Arabic, one of the oldest and most widely spoken languages, profoundly impacts literature, science, and philosophy...

The day serves as a platform to appreciate linguistic diversity and foster a deeper appreciation for the linguistic heritage of the Arab world...

Established by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), World Arabic Language Day was honored by the Saudi Arabian Postal Administration with the release of a 3 Saudi riyal postage stamp in 2022...

The text in Arabic (more or less) on the stamp translates to... 

              (اليوم العالمي للغة العربية) - World Arabic Language Day
              (ديسمبر) - December

This stamp can be collected under the following themes: 

(a) Languages...

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