21-December... Discovery of Radium...

Marie Curie and Pierre Currie jointly discovered Radium on this day (21-dec) in 1898, revolutionizing the understanding of radioactivity...

During the discovery, the Curies' isolated Radium from Uranium ore, unveiling its unique properties and intense glow... This significant finding not only expanded the periodic table but also laid the foundation for advancements in medical treatments, particularly in Cancer therapy... 

The Curies' dedication and pioneering research earned them the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1903, marking a crucial moment in the history of Science and Radiation studies...

French Postal Administration marked the 40th anniversary of the Discovery of Radium with the release of concerted charity joint postage stamp valued at 1f 75 French francs plus 50 cents in 1938...

The concerted charity joint postage stamp was released by the Postal Administration's of French colonies which included Cameroon, Dahomey, French Equatorial Africa, French India, French Guinea, French Guyana, Guadeloupe, Indochina, Ivory Coast, Madagascar, Martinique, Mauritania, New Caledonia, Niger, Reunion, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Senegal, Somali Coast, Sudan and Togo...  The concerted charity joint stamp was also released by Afghanistan, Paraguay and Cuba, which were not French Colonies...

The text in French on the stamp translates to... 

           Pierre et Marie Curie découvrent le Radium - Pierre and Marie Curie discovered Radium

           Union Internationale Contre le Cancer  - International Union against Cancer

           R.F. stands for Republique Francaise (French Republic)

This stamp can be collected under the themes: 

(a) Science and Technology...
(b) Concerted Joint Stamps...
(c) Charity Stamps...
(d) Discovery...
(e) Nobel Laureates...
(f) Scientists...
(g) Anniversaries / Jubilees... 

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