26-December... Death anniversary of Keshav Shankar Pillai...

Keshav Shankar Pillai, a trailblazing Indian cartoonist, who left a lasting legacy with his insightful and humorous depictions of societal nuances was remembered on this day (26-dec)...

Considered the father of political cartooning in India, Keshav Shankar Pillai, was renowned for his wit and social commentary, Shankar's cartoons, which often featured in publications like "Shankar's Weekly", capturing the essence of post-independence India...

He skillfully blended humor with astute observations, addressing various societal and political issues...  He also played a key role in the founding of the Children's Book Trust, contributing to the promotion of literature for young readers... 

His work remains a timeless reflection of India's evolving cultural and political landscape...

In 1991, India Post honored Keshav Shankar Pillai, by issuing a 6-rupees 50-paise postage stamp which featured one of his famous cartoon...  

The text in Hindi on the stamp translates to... 

          के शंकर पिल्लई - कार्टून - व्यंग्य-चित्र - K Shankar Pillai - Cartoons
          भारत - India

This stamp can be collected under the following themes: 

(a) Cartoons...
(b) Cartoonists / Writers...
(c) Elephant...

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