28-December... Enactment of Central Reserve Police Force...

Established as Crown Representative's Police (CRP) in 1939 during British rule, it primarily served as a force tasked with assisting the British administration...  The force underwent a significant transformation and reorganization in 1949 with the enactment of CRPF Act on this day (28-dec)...

The largest paramilitary force in India, CRPF, plays a crucial role in maintaining internal security, counter-insurgency, and assisting law enforcement agencies across States and Union Territories...  

CRPF includes some specialized units such as Rapid Action Force (RAF) and the CoBRA (Commando Battalion for Resolute Action), each with specific roles in handling different situations... 

The 50th anniversary of establishment of CRPF was commemorated by India Post with the release a 60-paise postage stamp in 1989...

The text in Hindi on the stamp translates to... 

          केंद्रीय रिजर्व पुलिस बल - Central Reserve Police Force
          भारत - India

This stamp can be collected under the following themes: 

(a) Police Force...
(b) Nation Security...
(c) Prime Minister...
(d) Head of Government...
(e) Men in Uniform...
(f) Anniversaries / Jubilees... 

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