1-January... Proclamation of Queen Victoria as Empress of India...

The Proclamation of Queen Victoria as Empress of India, a grand event was held on this day (1-jan) in 1877...

The Proclamation, a political and symbolic move was aimed to solidify and enhance British control over India by portraying the British monarch as the sovereign ruler of the subcontinent...  

The title of Empress added a sense of grandeur and authority to British rule, serving both political and psychological purposes in reinforcing the colonial administration's legitimacy...  Also, it was part of the broader Imperial strategy to unify and strengthen the British Empire during the Victorian era...

The British India Postal Administration commemorated Queen Victoria with the release of a 8-Indian anna postage stamp in 1882...

This stamp can be collected under the following themes: 

(a) Crowns and Coronets...
(b) Heads of State...
(c) Queen / Empress...
(d) Royal family...
(e) Women on Stamps...

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