21-January... Death anniversary of Vladimir Lenin...

A key figure in the Russian Revolution of 1917, Vladimir Lenin was remembered on this day (21-jan)... 

Vladimir Lenin, a political theorist, played a crucial role in overthrowing the Provisional Government and establishing a Socialist Government in Russia...  He aimed at creating a classless society through the establishment of a proletarian state... The Soviet Union was formed under his leadership in 1922...

Lenin's policies included the nationalization of Industry and land, and the introduction of the Economic Policy to stabilize the economy...  His impact on shaping the trajectory of Russian and global history till today remains undeniable...

Vladimir Lenin was commemorated by the Soviet Union Postal Administration with the release of a 40-Russian kopek postage stamp in 1937...

The text on the stamp in Russian translates to... 

   Почта СССР USSR Mail

   коп - Kopek
This stamp can be collected under the following themes: 

(a) Communism...
(b) Head of State...
(c) Revolutionaries...
(d) Beard...

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