7-January... Observation of Moons of Jupiter by Galileo Galilei...

One of the groundbreaking moment in Astronomy, the observation of Moons of Jupiter was made by the Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei on this day (7-jan) in 1610...

Using a telescope Galileo designed, he discovered four large moons orbiting Jupiter - now known as the Galilean moons : Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto... This observation by Galileo challenged the prevailing geocentric model, supporting the heliocentric view of the solar system...

The observation marked a significant step in our understanding of celestial motion and had profound implications for the understanding of our place in the cosmos...

Galileo Galilei was commemorated by the USSR Postal Administration with the release of a 12-Russian kopek postage stamp in 1964 to mark the 400th birth anniversary of the great Italian astronomer, physicist, and engineer...

The text on the stamp in Russian translates to... 

   Почта СССР USSR Post

   Галилео Галилей - Galileo Galilei
This stamp can be collected under the following themes: 

(a) Science and Technology...
(b) Astronomy...
(c) Scientists / Astronomers...
(d) Telescope...
(e) Celestial Objects...
(f) Beard...
(g) Anniversaries / Jubilees...

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