11-February... European 112 Day...

This day (11-Feb) marks the European 112 Day, which was introduced by the European Union to promote the use of Europe-wide emergency assistance number 112...  

European 112 Day, was observed since 1991 all over Europe to receive immediate assistance from the Police, Ambulance or Fire brigade by accessing only one number...

To commemorate the 25th anniversary of the day, Deutsche Post released a 45-Euro cent postage stamp in the year 2016...

The wordings in stamp "25 JAHRE NOTRUF 112 IN EUROPE" translates to "25 years of Emergency number 112 in Europe"...

This stamp can be collected under the themes:

(a) Rescue Services...
(b) Emergency Services...
(c) Anniversaries...

10-February... Release of the Imperforate Penny Red...

The Imperforate Penny Red postage stamp was released on this day (10-Feb) in the year 1841 by the Royal Mail of United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland...  This succeeded Penny Black and it continued as the main postage stamp till 1879...

The stamp features portrait of Queen Victoria...

This stamp can be collected under the themes:

(a) Queen Victoria...
(b) Head of State...
(c) Crowns and Coronets...
(d) Royal Family / Queen...