11-January... Inauguration of Mumbai Naval Dockyard...

A 2 rupees 50 paise postage stamp was released by India Post in the year 1986 to commemorate the 250th anniversary of Bombay Dockyard also known as Naval Dockyard, an Indian ship building yard at Mumbai...

The stamp features Bombay dock in the front ; and the Duncan dock behind it near the Administrative building...

The dockyard was established on this day (11-Jan) in the year 1735 by the erstwhile East India Company...  The company brought-in shipwrights from their base at Surat in order to construct vessels...

This stamp can be collected under the themes:

(a) Ships...
(b) Navy / Military forces...
(c) Shipbuilding...
(d) Ports...
(e) Anniversaries...

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