12-January... Conceiving of "Astronomical Society of London"...

Royal Mail in the year 1970 released a postage stamp to commemorate the 150 years of Royal Astronomical Society (formerly known as Astronomical Society of London)...

A vision for the creation of Astronomical Society of London (ASL) was made on this day (12-Jan) in the year 1820... The Society was conceived to encourage and promote the study of Astronomy, Solar-system science, Geophysics and other closely related branches of Science...

In the year 1831, a Royal Charter was signed by William IV.  Since then, ASL was renamed as Royal Astronomical Society...

The stamp above features, three influential personalities in founding the Society, namely, Sir William Herschel (at left) holding his famous drawing of Uranus and its two satellites ; Francis Baily ; and John Herschel, William's son...  In the background is William Herschel's 40-ft Telescope, which stood at his home in Slough, as depicted in the RAS Logo earlier...

This stamp can be collected under the themes:

(a) Astronomy...
(b) Science...
(c) Telescopes...
(d) Famous personalities...
(e) Anniversaries...

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