17-February... Swearing in of First President of Israel, Dr Chaim Weizmann...

The Russian born Israeli statesman, Dr Chaim Weizmann assumed Office as the 1st President of Israel on this day (17-Feb) in the year 1949...  The Zionist leader who was a Biochemist by Profession, convinced United States Government to recognize the newly formed State of Israel...

To mark the 30 years of Israeli Independence, the Israeli Postal Administration commemorated Dr Chaim Weizmann with the release of a 2-Israeli lira postage stamp in the year 1978...

The Hebrew wordings "ד"ר חיים עזריאל ויצמן" translates to "Dr Chaim Weizmann"...

This stamp can be collected under the themes:

(a) Heads of State / Presidents...
(b) Politicians...
(c) Historical personalities...

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