18-February... Discovery of the Planet Pluto by Clyde Tombaugh...

The American astronomer, Clyde William Tombaugh in the year 1930, discovered the planet Pluto on this day (18-Feb)... At the time of it's discovery Pluto was considered as a Solar Planet, but in 2006 it was declared as dwarf planet by the scientists...

Discoverer of many asteroids in our Solar System, Clyde Tombaugh was commemorated by the Monaco Postal Administration with the release of a 3.80-euro postage stamp in the year 2005...

The stamp features, planet Pluto and the telescopic instruments used by Tombaugh in his discovery...

The French wordings "1930 Clyde Tombaugh découvre la planète Pluton" translates to "1930 Clyde Tombaugh discovers the Planet Pluto"...

This stamp can be collected under the themes:

(a) Astronomy / Astronomer...
(b) Celestial bodies...
(c) Telescope...
(d) Science and Technology...

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