9-February... Inauguration of XXIII Winter Olympic Games...

XXIII Winter Olympic Games was inaugurated on this day (9-Feb) in the year 2018 at Pyeongchang Olympic Stadium in South Korea... 

To commemorate the prestigious Olympic event of the World, Lithuanian Postal Administration released 2-sets of postage stamps valued at 0.84-euro and 0.94-euro each...

The 0.84-euro postage stamp features "Curling" sport event ; and the 0.94-euro postage stamp features "Speed Skating" sport event...

Also, the Lithuanian words "XXIII žiemos olimpinės žaidynės" translates to "XXIII Winter Olympic Games"...

These stamps can be collected under the themes:

(a) Winter Olympic Games...
(b) Sports events...
(c) Curling...
(d) Speed Skating...

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