8-February... Proposal of Universal Standard Time...

The First proposal and submission of a research paper on Universal Standard Time was presented by Scottish Canadian for Engineer, Sir Sandford Fleming before the Canadian Institute on this day (8-Feb) in the year 1879...

This proposal by Fleming influenced Worldwide Standard Time Zones, a Prime Meridian and use of 24-hour clock as elements of accurate time...

Canadian Postal Administration commemorated the inventor's 150th Birth anniversary with the release of a 12-Canadian cent postage stamp in the year 1977...

The stamp features portrait of Sir Sandford Fleming with a train crossing one of the steel bridges on the Inter-Colonial Railway which was designed and surveyed by Sir Sandford Fleming...

This stamp can be collected under the themes:

(a) Inventor / Engineer...
(b) Standard Time...
(b) Railway...
(c) Locomotives...
(d) Bridges...
(e) Science and Technology...

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