21-October... Birth anniversary of Alfred Nobel...

A polymath inventor, scientist and industrialist, Alfred Nobel was born on this day in the year 1833 in Stockholm, Sweden...  

Best known for inventing dynamite, revolutionizing construction and mining industries, Alfred Nobel held over 350 patents during his lifetime... 

Despite his contributions to explosives, he aimed for a more positive impact and established the Nobel Prizes in his will, allocating his fortune to recognize achievements in Physics, Chemistry, Medicine, Literature and Peace...  

Nobel's legacy extends beyond his inventions, leaving an enduring mark on the World through the prestigious awards that bear his name...  

In 1946, Swedish Postal Administration marked the 50th Death Anniversary of Alfred Nobel by issuing a 30-Swedish öre postage stamp...

This stamp can be collected under the themes: 

(a) Science & Technology...
(b) Chemists...
(c) Inventors...

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