22-October... International Wombat Day...


International Wombat Day, was observed annually on this day (22-Oct) to raise awareness and conservation efforts about Wombats, Australia's endearing burrowers... 

Wombats, native to Australia, are charismatic marsupials known for their sturdy build and lovable attitude...  A cube-shaped scat, Wombats have a unique digestive system adapted to their herbivorous diet...

These nocturnal creatures are exceptional burrowers, creating intricate tunnel systems for shelter...  Wombats are surprisingly agile and can reach impressive speeds, making them a fascinating blend of strength and agility in the animal kingdom...

In 2019, Australian Postal Administration commemorated the ground-dwelling marsupial - the Wombat with the release of a 1.10 Australian dollar postage stamp  as a part of Australian Fauna Stamp Series II... 

This stamp can be collected under the themes: 

(a) Animals / Fauna...
(b) Mammals...
(c) Marsupials...

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