23-October... Debut of Dumbo, the animated fantasy film...

"Dumbo", a timeless animated fantasy film created by Walt Disney Productions, first took flight on this day (23-oct) in 1941... 

It is based upon the storyline written by Helen Aberson and Harold Pearl, revolves around a lovable elephant with oversized ears, making him the target of ridicule until he discovers his unique ability to soar...

The film was filled with heartwarming moments and memorable characters, and it explores themes of self-discovery, friendship, and the triumph of the underdog...

"Dumbo", which continues to captivate audiences with its charming narrative, was commemorated by the US Postal Administration with the release of a 41-cents postage stamp in the year 2007...

This stamp can be collected under the themes: 

(a) Animations / Cartoons / Comics...
(b) Disney...
(c) Elephant / Mice...
(d) Headgear...

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