24-October... United Nations Day...


"United Nations Day", celebrated worldwide on this day (24-oct) to mark the anniversary of the UN Charter coming into force in 1945...  The day serves as a moment to recognize the crucial role the United Nations plays in promoting global cooperation and addressing shared challenges...

This day also commemorates the Organization's commitment to peace, security, human rights, and sustainable development in World countries...  It's a reminder of the collective efforts required to build a better World and highlights the importance of diplomatic dialogue in resolving international conflicts...

As a founding member of the United Nations, India marked the 9th anniversary of United Nations Day in 1954 by issuing a commemorative 2 Anna postage stamp...  This gesture underscored India's commitment to the principles and ideals of the UN, emphasizing the nation's enduring dedication to International cooperation and the pursuit of a more peaceful World...

This stamp can be collected under the themes: 

(a) Anniversaries...
(b) Global Organizations...
(c) United Nations...
(d) Flora & Fauna...
(e) Emblems...
(f) Maps / Globe...

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