25-October... Kazakhstan Republic Day...


October 25th holds significance in Kazakhstan as it marks the Republic Day, commemorating the country's establishment in 1990...

The day symbolizes the unity of diverse ethnic groups within Kazakhstan and their collective pursuit of independence...  Kazakhstan, on October 25th, reflects on its journey towards sovereignty and the resilience that has shaped its unique identity in the heart of Central Asia... 

Celebrating the declaration of sovereignty of the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic (SSR) from the Soviet Union, the Kazakhstan Republic Day was commemorated by KazPost with the release of 500 Kazakhstani tenge postage stamp in 2022... 

The text in Kazakh on the stamp translates to... 

            қазақстан - Kazakhstan
            қазан - October
            республика күні - Republic Day

This stamp can be collected under the themes: 

(a) Special Occasions...
(b) Republic / Independence...
(c) Birds...

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