11-November... Launch of Gemini 12...

The final mission of NASA's Gemini Program - Gemini 12, the second human spaceflight program was launched on this day (11-nov) in the year 1966...

Gemini Program of NASA was aimed to develop and test the skills necessary for the later Apollo programs, which eventually landed humans on the Moon...  The Gemini missions  involving astronauts, focused on tasks like spacewalks, orbital maneuvers, and docking spacecraft in orbit...

Gemini 12 was the final mission of NASA's Gemini program, which carried astronauts James A Lovell and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin...  Gemini 12 successfully achieved its objectives and contributed valuable experience to NASA's space program, paving the way for the Apollo missions that followed...

The US Postal Administration commemorated the Gemini capsule and NASA's achievements in Space programs with the release of two 5-cent postage stamps in 1967...

These stamps can be collected under the themes: 

(a) Space Traveling...
(b) Space program / Gemini...
(c) NASA...
(d) Outer space
(e) Astronauts...
(f) Spacecrafts...

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