12-November... Closure of Ellis Island...

Ellis Island, a significant immigration processing center in the United States, was officially closed its doors on this day (12-nov) in 1954...

Ellis Island, nestled in New York Harbor, served as a vital immigration gateway to the United States from 1892 to 1954...  Millions of hopeful immigrants passed through its doors, undergoing processing and inspection before entering the country...

The Island symbolizes the immigrant experience, embodying both dreams of a new life and the challenges faced by those seeking opportunity in America... 

Standing as a museum, preserving the rich history of the iconic site and its role in shaping the cultural tapestry of the United States, Ellis Island was honored by the US Postal Administration with the release of a 32-cent postage stamp in 1998...

This stamp can be collected under the themes: 

(a) Immigration...
(b) Headgear...
(c) Anniversaries / Jubilees...

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