13-November... Swedish European Union Membership Referendum...

On this day (13-nov) in 1994, Sweden conducted its 5th Referendum regarding European Union membership...

The Referendum, 5th in Sweden, reflected the then ongoing debate on the country's role in the European Union...  Ultimately, the majority of voters chose to support continued EU Membership, solidifying Sweden's commitment to European integration...  Following the referendum and its result, Sweden joined the EU on 1-jan-1995...

Outcome of the referendum not only shaped the country's relationship with the EU but also played a significant role in defining Sweden's position in the broader European landscape...

The Swedish Postal Administration marked the referendum campaign with the issuance of two postage stamps valued at 3.70 Swedish krona, featuring the contrasting messages of "Ja - Yes to EU" and "Nej - No to EU" in 1995...

The text in Swedish on the stamp translates to... 

                SVERIGE Sweden
                JA - Yes
                NEJ - No

These stamps can be collected under the themes: 

(a) European Union...
(b) Campaign Letters / Words...

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