14-November... Signing of German - Polish Oder-Neisse Border Treaty...

On this day (14-nov) in 1990, Post German reunification, Germany and Poland signed the Border Treaty, officially confirming the Oder - Neisse line as the established border between the nations...

The Oder - Neisse Line, solidified the boundary between Germany and Poland...  Also, this historical treaty formally recognized the line as the established border, resolving territorial disputes that had lingered since World War II...

The treaty not only symbolized a commitment to peaceful relations between the two nations but also contributed to regional stability in post-Cold War Europe...  It marked a significant step in overcoming historical tensions and fostering cooperation between Germany and Poland...

As a tribute to German - Polish friendship, East German Postal Administration issued a 24 East German pfennig postage stamp in 1951...  The stamp showcased a moment of camaraderie between East German President Wilhelm Pieck and Poland President Boleslaw Bierut,  portrayed shaking hands above a Dove of Peace...  The backdrop artistically captured the significance, incorporating the Oder - Neisse Border Line... 

The text in German on the stamp translates to... 

                Duetsche Demokratische Republik German Democratic Republic

This stamp can be collected under the themes: 

(a) Peace...
(b) Rivers...
(c) Pigeons / Birds / Animals...
(d) Heads of State...
(e) Boundaries... 

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