15-November... National Recycling Day...

A reminder to recycle, reduce, and renew for a sustainable future - National Recycling Day was observed in United States on this day (15-nov)...  

Also referred as America Recycles Day, this day is dedicated to amplify the importance of recycling practices across the nation...  This day serves as a catalyst for individuals, communities, and businesses to recommit to recycling efforts, aiming to minimize waste and protect the environment...

It's a collective initiative encouraging everyone to take simple yet impactful steps, such as recycling household items and promoting awareness about sustainable living...

As a part of Social Awareness Stamp : Go Green initiative, US Postal Administration highlighted the importance of recycling with the issue of a 1st Class Forever postage stamp in 2011... 

This stamp can be collected under the themes: 

(a) Nature...
(b) Environment / Environment Protection...
(c) Energy... 

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