11-February... European 112 Day...

This day (11-Feb) marks the European 112 Day, which was introduced by the European Union to promote the use of Europe-wide emergency assistance number 112...  

European 112 Day, was observed since 1991 all over Europe to receive immediate assistance from the Police, Ambulance or Fire brigade by accessing only one number...

To commemorate the 25th anniversary of the day, Deutsche Post released a 45-Euro cent postage stamp in the year 2016...

The wordings in stamp "25 JAHRE NOTRUF 112 IN EUROPE" translates to "25 years of Emergency number 112 in Europe"...

This stamp can be collected under the themes:

(a) Rescue Services...
(b) Emergency Services...
(c) Anniversaries...

10-February... Release of the Imperforate Penny Red...

The Imperforate Penny Red postage stamp was released on this day (10-Feb) in the year 1841 by the Royal Mail of United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland...  This succeeded Penny Black and it continued as the main postage stamp till 1879...

The stamp features portrait of Queen Victoria...

This stamp can be collected under the themes:

(a) Queen Victoria...
(b) Head of State...
(c) Crowns and Coronets...
(d) Royal Family / Queen...

21-January... Death anniversary of Vladimir Lenin...

A key figure in the Russian Revolution of 1917, Vladimir Lenin was remembered on this day (21-jan)... 

Vladimir Lenin, a political theorist, played a crucial role in overthrowing the Provisional Government and establishing a Socialist Government in Russia...  He aimed at creating a classless society through the establishment of a proletarian state... The Soviet Union was formed under his leadership in 1922...

Lenin's policies included the nationalization of Industry and land, and the introduction of the Economic Policy to stabilize the economy...  His impact on shaping the trajectory of Russian and global history till today remains undeniable...

Vladimir Lenin was commemorated by the Soviet Union Postal Administration with the release of a 40-Russian kopek postage stamp in 1937...

The text on the stamp in Russian translates to... 

   Почта СССР USSR Mail

   коп - Kopek
This stamp can be collected under the following themes: 

(a) Communism...
(b) Head of State...
(c) Revolutionaries...
(d) Beard...

16-January... Docking of Manned Spacecrafts Soyuz-4 and Soyuz-5...

In the year 1969, the Hungarian Postal Administration commemorated the docking of Manned Spacecrafts Soyuz-4 and Soyuz-5 launched as a part of Soviet Space Program... 

The Soyuz-4 and Soyuz-5 docked on this day (16-Jan) in the year 1969...  Both the spacecrafts carried out a primitive probe in the docking assembly...  This docking was precursor for NASA's Apollo-9 which was done in the month of March the same year...

Wordings featured in the stamp "összekapcsolása  a világűrben" means "Connection in Outer Space"... 

This stamp can be collected under the themes:

(a) Celestial bodies...
(b) Globe...
(c) Outer Space...
(d) Rockets / Spacecrafts...

15-January... Opening of The British Museum...

Royal Mail in the year 2003 released a set of 6 postage stamps to commemorate the 250 years of The British Museum...

The British Museum was established in the year 1753 following the Royal Assent of King George II...  On this day (15-Jan) in the year 1759, the first exhibition galleries and reading room for scholars were opened...  

The set of 6 postage stamps features, (1) painted wooden coffin of Denytenamun (2nd class stamp) ; (2) Alexander the Great (1st class stamp) ; (3) the Sutton Hoo helmet, excavated from the ship burial in Suffolk ; (4) Indian bronze sculpture of Goddess Parvati, consort of the God Shiva (42p) ; (5) the mask of the Central Mexican Fire God Xiuhtecuhtli (47p) ; (6) the Easter Island (Rupa Nui) statue Hoa Hakananai'a (68p)...

These stamps can be collected under the themes:

(a) Museums...
(b) Art...
(c) Famous People...
(d) Sculptures / Carving...
(e) Headgear...
(f) God / Religion...
(g) Masks...
(h) Anniversaries...

14-January... Founding of Food Corporation of India...

One of the largest Supply Chain Management in Asia, the Food Corporation of India was commemorated by India Post in the year 2014 to commemorate it's Golden Jubilee year... 

The Food Corporation of India (FCI) was founded on this day (14-Jan) in the year 1965 with it's Office at Thanjavur, the rice bowl of Tamilnadu, India...  It's a statutory body founded and run by the Government of India for ensuring food security across India...

This stamp can be collected under the themes:

(a) Agriculture...
(b) Food...
(c) Automobiles...
(d) Buildings...
(e) Men / Women...
(f) Anniversaries...

13-January... Public Radio Broadcasting Day...

US Postal Administration in the year 1998 commemorated the Public Radio Broadcasting Day with the release of a 32-cent postage stamp... 

The day was observed annually on this day (13-Jan), to celebrate a very special piece of technology that the Scientist, Marconi has invented - the Radio...  The day honors those who devised public broadcasting...

On this day in the year 1910, a live opera - featuring some of the most renowned Opera singers of that period - was broadcast from the Metropolitan Opera House...  And, this became the World's First Public Radio Broadcast too...

This stamp can be collected under the themes:

(a) Science and Technology...
(b) Radio...
(c) Instruments...