21-January... Death anniversary of Vladimir Lenin...

A key figure in the Russian Revolution of 1917, Vladimir Lenin was remembered on this day (21-jan)... 

Vladimir Lenin, a political theorist, played a crucial role in overthrowing the Provisional Government and establishing a Socialist Government in Russia...  He aimed at creating a classless society through the establishment of a proletarian state... The Soviet Union was formed under his leadership in 1922...

Lenin's policies included the nationalization of Industry and land, and the introduction of the Economic Policy to stabilize the economy...  His impact on shaping the trajectory of Russian and global history till today remains undeniable...

Vladimir Lenin was commemorated by the Soviet Union Postal Administration with the release of a 40-Russian kopek postage stamp in 1937...

The text on the stamp in Russian translates to... 

   Почта СССР USSR Mail

   коп - Kopek
This stamp can be collected under the following themes: 

(a) Communism...
(b) Head of State...
(c) Revolutionaries...
(d) Beard...

16-January... Docking of Manned Spacecrafts Soyuz-4 and Soyuz-5...

In the year 1969, the Hungarian Postal Administration commemorated the docking of Manned Spacecrafts Soyuz-4 and Soyuz-5 launched as a part of Soviet Space Program... 

The Soyuz-4 and Soyuz-5 docked on this day (16-Jan) in the year 1969...  Both the spacecrafts carried out a primitive probe in the docking assembly...  This docking was precursor for NASA's Apollo-9 which was done in the month of March the same year...

Wordings featured in the stamp "összekapcsolása  a világűrben" means "Connection in Outer Space"... 

This stamp can be collected under the themes:

(a) Celestial bodies...
(b) Globe...
(c) Outer Space...
(d) Rockets / Spacecrafts...

15-January... Opening of The British Museum...

Royal Mail in the year 2003 released a set of 6 postage stamps to commemorate the 250 years of The British Museum...

The British Museum was established in the year 1753 following the Royal Assent of King George II...  On this day (15-Jan) in the year 1759, the first exhibition galleries and reading room for scholars were opened...  

The set of 6 postage stamps features, (1) painted wooden coffin of Denytenamun (2nd class stamp) ; (2) Alexander the Great (1st class stamp) ; (3) the Sutton Hoo helmet, excavated from the ship burial in Suffolk ; (4) Indian bronze sculpture of Goddess Parvati, consort of the God Shiva (42p) ; (5) the mask of the Central Mexican Fire God Xiuhtecuhtli (47p) ; (6) the Easter Island (Rupa Nui) statue Hoa Hakananai'a (68p)...

These stamps can be collected under the themes:

(a) Museums...
(b) Art...
(c) Famous People...
(d) Sculptures / Carving...
(e) Headgear...
(f) God / Religion...
(g) Masks...
(h) Anniversaries...

14-January... Founding of Food Corporation of India...

One of the largest Supply Chain Management in Asia, the Food Corporation of India was commemorated by India Post in the year 2014 to commemorate it's Golden Jubilee year... 

The Food Corporation of India (FCI) was founded on this day (14-Jan) in the year 1965 with it's Office at Thanjavur, the rice bowl of Tamilnadu, India...  It's a statutory body founded and run by the Government of India for ensuring food security across India...

This stamp can be collected under the themes:

(a) Agriculture...
(b) Food...
(c) Automobiles...
(d) Buildings...
(e) Men / Women...
(f) Anniversaries...

13-January... Public Radio Broadcasting Day...

US Postal Administration in the year 1998 commemorated the Public Radio Broadcasting Day with the release of a 32-cent postage stamp... 

The day was observed annually on this day (13-Jan), to celebrate a very special piece of technology that the Scientist, Marconi has invented - the Radio...  The day honors those who devised public broadcasting...

On this day in the year 1910, a live opera - featuring some of the most renowned Opera singers of that period - was broadcast from the Metropolitan Opera House...  And, this became the World's First Public Radio Broadcast too...

This stamp can be collected under the themes:

(a) Science and Technology...
(b) Radio...
(c) Instruments...

12-January... Conceiving of "Astronomical Society of London"...

Royal Mail in the year 1970 released a postage stamp to commemorate the 150 years of Royal Astronomical Society (formerly known as Astronomical Society of London)...

A vision for the creation of Astronomical Society of London (ASL) was made on this day (12-Jan) in the year 1820... The Society was conceived to encourage and promote the study of Astronomy, Solar-system science, Geophysics and other closely related branches of Science...

In the year 1831, a Royal Charter was signed by William IV.  Since then, ASL was renamed as Royal Astronomical Society...

The stamp above features, three influential personalities in founding the Society, namely, Sir William Herschel (at left) holding his famous drawing of Uranus and its two satellites ; Francis Baily ; and John Herschel, William's son...  In the background is William Herschel's 40-ft Telescope, which stood at his home in Slough, as depicted in the RAS Logo earlier...

This stamp can be collected under the themes:

(a) Astronomy...
(b) Science...
(c) Telescopes...
(d) Famous personalities...
(e) Anniversaries...

11-January... Inauguration of Mumbai Naval Dockyard...

A 2 rupees 50 paise postage stamp was released by India Post in the year 1986 to commemorate the 250th anniversary of Bombay Dockyard also known as Naval Dockyard, an Indian ship building yard at Mumbai...

The stamp features Bombay dock in the front ; and the Duncan dock behind it near the Administrative building...

The dockyard was established on this day (11-Jan) in the year 1735 by the erstwhile East India Company...  The company brought-in shipwrights from their base at Surat in order to construct vessels...

This stamp can be collected under the themes:

(a) Ships...
(b) Navy / Military forces...
(c) Shipbuilding...
(d) Ports...
(e) Anniversaries...

10-January... Opening of London Metropolitan Railway Transport Network...


In the year 2013, Royal Mail commemorated the 150 years of London Metropolitan Railway transport network with the release of a 2nd Class postage stamp...

One of the World's oldest underground transport network, the London Metropolitan Railway was opened on this day (10-Jan) in the year 1863... 

The issue year 2013, coincides with the anniversary of the opening of London's Underground: the steam-driven Metropolitan Railway running between Paddington Station and Farrington Street via Kings Cross...

This stamp can be collected under the themes:

(a) Railways...
(b) Underground / Subways...
(c) Steam Engines...
(d) Anniversaries...

9-January... Return of Mahatma Gandhi from South Africa / Parvasi Bharatiya Divas...

India Post commemorated the 100 years of Mahatma Gandhi's return from South Africa with release of two postage stamps valued at INR 5 and INR 25 in the year 2015... 

It was on this day (9-Jan) in the year 1915, Gandhi returned to India from South Africa to lead India's freedom struggle against British rule... Also, this day is celebrated as Pravasi Bharatiya Divas to mark the contribution of Overseas Indian Community in the development of India...

These stamps can be collected under the themes:

(a) Mahatma Gandhi...
(b) Anniversaries...
(c) Freedom Fighters...
(d) Teachers...

8-January... Birth Anniversary of John Curtin, the 14th Prime Minister of Australia...


10-cent Australian postage stamp was released by Australian Postal Administration in the year 1975 to commemorate the 14th Prime Minister of Australia (1941-1945), John Curtin...

Today (8-Jan), John Curtin's birth anniversary, who was born on this day in the year 1885... Ranked as one of Australia's greatest Prime Ministers, John Curtin led Australia for the majority of World War II including the last few weeks of the War in the Pacific...

This stamp can be collected under the themes:

(a) Heads of State / Prime Ministers...
(b) Famous people...
(c) Politicians...

7-January... Observation of Moons of Jupiter by Galileo Galilei...

One of the groundbreaking moment in Astronomy, the observation of Moons of Jupiter was made by the Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei on this day (7-jan) in 1610...

Using a telescope Galileo designed, he discovered four large moons orbiting Jupiter - now known as the Galilean moons : Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto... This observation by Galileo challenged the prevailing geocentric model, supporting the heliocentric view of the solar system...

The observation marked a significant step in our understanding of celestial motion and had profound implications for the understanding of our place in the cosmos...

Galileo Galilei was commemorated by the USSR Postal Administration with the release of a 12-Russian kopek postage stamp in 1964 to mark the 400th birth anniversary of the great Italian astronomer, physicist, and engineer...

The text on the stamp in Russian translates to... 

   Почта СССР USSR Post

   Галилео Галилей - Galileo Galilei
This stamp can be collected under the following themes: 

(a) Science and Technology...
(b) Astronomy...
(c) Scientists / Astronomers...
(d) Telescope...
(e) Celestial Objects...
(f) Beard...
(g) Anniversaries / Jubilees...

6-January... "Four Freedoms" speech by US President Franklin Roosevelt...

US Postal Administration commemorated US President Franklin Roosevelt with the release of 5-cent postage stamp in the year 1946 as a part of Roosevelt memorial series...

The stamp design shows a three-quarter face portrait of Roosevelt on the left surrounded by clouds, with a globe oriented to show the Americas on the right...  Written across the globe is an expression of the Four Freedoms - Freedom of Speech ; Freedom of Religion ; Freedom from Want ; Freedom from Fear.

The concept of "Four Freedoms" speech was delivered by Roosevelt in his address to Congress on this day (6th Jan) in the year 1941...

With his address to Congress, he declared that isolation from global affairs was not an acceptable position for the United States...

This Stamp can be collected under the themes:

(a) Famous people...
(b) US Presidents / Heads of State...
(c) Globe...
(d) Famous quotes...

5-January... Publication of Robert Louis Stevenson's Novel "Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde"...

British Royal Mail commemorated "Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde", the Novel written by Robert Louis Stevenson with the release of a 37-British penny postage stamp in the year 1997...

The novel was published on this day (5-Jan) in the year 1886...  

The novel was about a London lawyer named Gabriel John Utterson who investigates strange occurrences between his old friend, Dr Henry Jekyll, and the evil Edward Hyde...

This stamp can be collected under the themes:

(a) Famous people...
(b) Novelists...
(c) Authors...

4-January... Luna-1, the First Spacecraft to leave Earth's Gravity and approach Moon...

Luna-1 also known as Mechta, was the first spacecraft to leave Earth's Gravity...  On this day (4-Jan) in the year 1959, the spacecraft launched as a part of Soviet Union's Lunar Program, approached the Moon...

The approach of Luna-1 to Moon was commemorated by Hungary Postal Administration with the release of a postage stamp in the year 1959...  The stamp features, the Spacecraft Luna-1, Moon and celestial bodies in the outer space...

The wordings, "GEOFIZIKAI EV" refers "Geophysical EV" and "SZOVJET űRRAKéTA" refers "Soviet Spacecraft"...

This stamp can be collected under the themes:

(a) Celestial bodies...
(b) Moon...
(c) Planets...
(d) Spacecrafts...
(e) Space travelling...

3-January... Beginning of Construction - Brooklyn Bridge...

The US Postal Administration commemorated the 100th anniversary of "Brooklyn Bridge", the largest suspension bridge and an engineering marvel in the year 1983...

Built across the East river, the construction of the bridge connecting New York with that of Brooklyn started on this day in the year 1870... An iconic piece of American architecture, "Brooklyn Bridge" was officially opened by the US President Chester A Arthur and New York Governor Grover Cleveland in the year 1883...

This stamp can be collected under the themes:

(a) Bridges / Suspension bridges...
(b) Architecture...
(c) Anniversaries...

2-January... Premiering of Richard Wagner's Opera "The Flying Dutchman"...

The Deutsche Post of the GDR (German Democratic Republic - East Germany) released the stamp in the year 1963 to commemorate the German composer, Richard Wagner and his opera "The Flying Dutchman", which was premiered on this day in the year 1843...

The East German stamp features Richard Wagner and a scene from his opera, The Flying Dutchman, in which Senta casts herself from a cliff as the Dutchman's ship puts out to sea... 

This stamp can be collected under the themes:

(a) Composers...
(b) Operas...
(c) Ship... 

1-January... Proclamation of Queen Victoria as Empress of India...

The Proclamation of Queen Victoria as Empress of India, a grand event was held on this day (1-jan) in 1877...

The Proclamation, a political and symbolic move was aimed to solidify and enhance British control over India by portraying the British monarch as the sovereign ruler of the subcontinent...  

The title of Empress added a sense of grandeur and authority to British rule, serving both political and psychological purposes in reinforcing the colonial administration's legitimacy...  Also, it was part of the broader Imperial strategy to unify and strengthen the British Empire during the Victorian era...

The British India Postal Administration commemorated Queen Victoria with the release of a 8-Indian anna postage stamp in 1882...

This stamp can be collected under the following themes: 

(a) Crowns and Coronets...
(b) Heads of State...
(c) Queen / Empress...
(d) Royal family...
(e) Women on Stamps...